Sunday, April 29, 2012

Titanic Memories Tea Event at the Van Liew Suydam Historical Home in Somerset NJ

Author/historian Victoriana Lady Lisa spoke at the annual ladies tea hosted at the Victorian Van Liew Suydam historical home in Somerset NJ. The program was in honor of  the 100th anniversary of the sinking of The Titianic. 

The lovely tea table settings for the Titanic tea are as follows-

Featured were Edwardian dresses, hats, purses and other accessories from the early 1900's that would have been worn on the ill fated ship from Lady Lisa's personal collection.

The personal stories and photos of Thelma and her brother in law Charles Thomas were also shared with the audience. Victoriana Lady has the privilege of knowing Thelma's daughter Mae Thomas who kindly shared her family history.

Charles Thomas who perished on The Titanic was from Lebanon

Thelma Thomas Titanic survivor from PA

Titanic survivor Thelma Thomas' grave stone in PA

Mae Thomas daughter of Titanic survivor Thelma Thomas & Victoriana Lady Lisa at a previous event

Victoriana Lady Lisa- Bringing history to life since 2003

To book a program please contact me -

 References available upon request