Photographer/author John Grant, and historian/author Lisa Griffiths, aka Victoriana Lady Lisa, won FIRST PLACE for Profile Talk Show for their weekly program All Things Victorian.
Lisa Griffiths and John Grant are delighted to attend the Alliance for Community Media Awards ceremony on Oct. 11th 2014 in NH. It's a prestigious regional award including all of New England and New York. The weekly program airs on Cape Ann TV in MA. They wish to thank Erich Archer, Lisa Smith, Jim Capillo, and everyone at Cape Ann TV for their hard work and support.
All Things Victorian covers all aspects of the Victorian era, such as food, fashion, literature, architecture, and much more, from 1837-1901. The Edwardian era, circa 1901-1910, a branch off of Queen Victoria's tree, is also touched upon during the series.

Illustration of Victoriana Lady Lisa by Joseph Hernandez
There are 9 episodes of All Things Victorian planned, they include a Victorian baking show, A Steampunk episode.
You can watch the episodes at under All Things Victorian 1623 Studios.
Victoriana Lady Lisa- Bringing history to life since 2003
To book a program please contact me -